
Kay Ivey

Lt. Governor

Will Ainsworth

Secretary of State

John Merrill

U.S. Senators

Tommy Tuberville

Richard Shelby

House of Reps

Alabama 1 - Jerry Carl

Alabama 2 - Barry Moore

Alabama 3 - Mike Rogers

Alabama 4 - Robert Aderholt

Alabama 5 - Mo Brooks

Alabama 6 - Gary Palmer

Alabama 7 - Terri Sewell

Voter Registration Deadlines

In-Person: 14 days before Election Day.

By Mail: Postmarked 14 days before Election Day.

Online: 14 days before Election Day.

Voter ID Law

Photo ID required

Alabama offers a free voter ID to voters without any.

Time Off to Vote?

Unpaid time off.

No more than one hour off allowed during their shift, and only permitted if their shift starts before the polls have been open for two hours and ends less than an hour before polls close.