
Ned Lamont

Lt. Governor

Susan Bysiewicz

Secretary of State

Denise Merrill

U.S. Senators

Richard Blumenthal

Chris Murphy

House of Reps

Connecticut 1 - John B. Larson

Connecticut 2 - Joe Courtney

Connecticut 3 - Rosa DeLauro

Connecticut 4 - Jim Himes

Connecticut 5 - Jahana Hayes

Voter Registration Deadlines

In-Person: Election Day registration is available for General elections.

By Mail: Postmarked 7 days before Election Day.

Online: 7 days before Election Day.

Voter ID Law

ID requested

First-time voters must show an ID with photo. All other voters must present ID without a photo (e.g., your SSN card), or sign a statement confirming you are how you are.

Time Off to Vote?

Connecticut has no stated policy that gives employees time off to vote.