
Mike Parson

Lt. Governor

Mike Kehoe

Secretary of State

Jay Ashcroft

U.S. Senators

Roy Blunt

Josh Hawley

House of Reps

Missouri 1 - Cori Bush

Missouri 2 - Ann Wagner

Missouri 3 - Blaine Luetkemeyer

Missouri 4 - Vicky Hartzler

Missouri 5 - Emanuel Cleaver

Missouri 6 - Sam Graves

Missouri 7 - Billy Long

Missouri 8 - Jason Smith

Voter Registration Deadlines

In-Person: 27 days before Election Day.

By Mail: Postmarked 27 days before Election Day.

Online: 27 days before Election Day.

Voter ID Law

Photo ID will be requested

If an ID cannot be presented, a voter may cast a provisional ballot that will be counted if you return to their polling place on Election Day with a photo ID or the signature on their provisional ballot envelope matches the signature on your voter registration record. 

Time Off to Vote?

Paid time off.

Voters are entitled to three hours to vote, unless their shift starts or ends three hours before polls open or close.