
Bill Lee

Lt. Governor

Randy McNally

Secretary of State

Tre Hargett

U.S. Senators

Bill Hagerty

Marsha Blackburn

House of Reps

Tennessee 1 - Diana Harshbarger

Tennessee 2 - Tim Burchett

Tennessee 3 - Chuck Fleischmann

Tennessee 4 - Scott DesJarlais

Tennessee 5 - Jim Cooper

Tennessee 6 - John Rose

Tennessee 7 - Mark E. Green

Tennessee 8 - David Kustoff

Tennessee 9 - Steve Cohen

Voter Registration Deadlines

In-Person: 30 days before Election Day.

By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day.

Online: 30 days before Election Day.

Voter ID Law

Photo ID required

If a photo ID can’t be presented, a provisional ballot can be cast and counted if an ID can be shown up to two days after Election Day.

Time Off to Vote?

Paid time off.

No more than three hours off allowed during their shift, and only permitted if their polls aren’t open for three hours before the start or end of the shift.