
Tony Evers

Lt. Governor

Mandela Barnes

Secretary of State

Douglas J. La Follette

U.S. Senators

Ron Johnson

Tammy Baldwin

House of Reps

Wisconsin 1 - Bryan Steil

Wisconsin 2 - Mark Pocan

Wisconsin 3 - Ron Kind

Wisconsin 4 - Gwen Moore

Wisconsin 5 - Scott Fitzgerald

Wisconsin 6 - Glenn Grothman

Wisconsin 7 - Tom Tiffany

Wisconsin 8 - Mike Gallagher

Voter Registration Deadlines

In-Person: Election Day registration available.

By Mail: Postmarked 20 days before Election Day.

Online: 20 days before Election Day.

Voter ID Law

Photo ID required

Wisconsin offers a free state ID to voters without one.

Time Off to Vote?

Unpaid time off.

Employees are allowed up to three hours to vote during their shift, which the employer may schedule.